Top 10 Music Producer Life Hacks

  1. Multi-task. Work on 2 to 3 beats at once, and switch back and forth between them. Finish them one at a time, and don’t rush your music. The point of this life hack is to work on beats in “batches”. Inspiration from one beat will transfer to another beat, and this will increase your total output of music.
  2. Get feedback. Ask a non-biased friend or family member what they think of your music, and if its worth publishing it online or if it should stay on your hard drive.
  3. Publish your music online It’s the best way to find new fans and get noticed, and the Internet isn’t going anywhere. More and more people around the world are getting access to the Web and will be looking for new music to listen to.
  4. Protect your music – Get your music copyrighted with the U.S. Copyright Office. It’s easier than ever since the entire process is done online and costs are low if you submit an entire “album” of beats or songs at once. This life hack is easy and often overlooked by new producers who are confused about what copyright is and how it protects their music.
  5. Mix your music properly – If you can afford to get your music professionally mixed and mastered , then DO IT. The impact of a professional mix will help you in a lot of ways. People will start taking your music much more serious if it sounds good, and you are more likely to land a deal if the sonic quality is up to par.
  6. Invest in your studio equipment, and invest in your self. Better studio equipment = better mixes and better overall music. More knowledge of music theory and music history = better producer. It’s that simple.
  7. Protect you Studio Equipment with insurance. There isn’t any way to predict what mother nature or a robber might do, so you should definitely protect your studio gear and computer by buying insurance. Renters insurance or Homeowners insurance is probably a good place to start.
  8. Collaborate with Artists, and other Producers  – This doesn’t mean you should accept every offer to collaborate on music that people send you. Look for the best possible artists and producers and let them know in  a professionally manner that you would like to collaborate. NEVER SPAM anybody online , and do not send unsolicited mail to producers or record labels!
  9. Find a mentor. Whether your mentor is a professional music producer , mixing engineer it will help your career tremendously. These people have seen it all in the industry and have great life experience and advice that they can pass on to you. Just don’t ask for handouts and stay humble at all times! This is probably the #1 most important and often overlooked “Life Hack” for anybody in the music industry.
  10. Network with local musicians and studio owners, engineers, A&Rs, and DJs – Don’t underestimate how important your network is. There are people out there that want to get your music to the right artist or play your beats for a record label A&Rs. Not sure if your beats are good enough for this step? See #2.